Francture Closes Sole Tie Up For India With One Of The Leading Russian Refinery: Surgutneftegaz

Staff News

Francture Brands Pvt Ltd has recently done a sole tie-up for India together with its international business partners having more than 30 years of experience in oil trading. Francture Brands Pvt Ltd and its subsidiaries like Adaro Coal Energy Pvt Ltd and others will offer a wide range of oil and petrochemicals products from Russian producers such as Kirishinefteorgsintez (KINEF) refinery part of Surgutneftegaz (SNG), Gazpromneft (GPN), Tatneft and Novatek. In addition to crude oil, Francture brands can offer a wide range of refined petroleum products such as motor fuels, aromatics, liquid paraffin, diesel fuel, jet fuel, and bitumen. 

Presently Russia is one of the biggest oil suppliers to India and has replaced the likes of Iraq and Saudi Arabia to emerge as India’s largest source of oil imports. India is the world’s third-largest consumer of crude and depends on imports to meet over 85 percent of its needs which is exactly what matches the Russian oil Industry. As per the data in January, Iraq was India’s second-biggest source of crude with an average supply volume of 0.92 million barrels per day, followed by Saudi Arabia with 0.77 million barrels per day.

According to Vortexa data, Indian private-sector oil refiners accounted for 47.3 percent of Russian oil volumes imported into India in January alone. While public sector refiners such as Indian Oil, Bharat Petroleum, and Hindustan Petroleum do export fuels but most of their production is consumed in India as the demand in India is huge. The two private-sector refiners export a sizable part of their production worldwide. Owing to this beneficial business opportunity in India and Russia’s oil and gas business, Francture Brands Pvt Ltd has collaborated.

The product list from several refiners which will be promoted by Francture Brands Private Limited across India:

  1. D2 Diesel MT
  2. M100 Mazut MT 
  3. Crude oil
  4. En590 diesel MT 
  5. LPG MT 
  6. LNG MT 
  7. Jet fuel A1 BBL 
  8. Jet Fuel 54 BBL 
  10. ESPO BBL 
  11. LCO MT 
  12. UREA 46% MT 
  13. DAP MT 
  14. RON 92 MT 
  15. SN 150-SN500 MT
  16. Fuel oil CST 180-280-380 MT 
  18. Bitumen 60/70-80/100 MT 
  19. Industrial Methanol
  20. Caprolactam
  21. Ammonium sulphate
  22. NP K 15x15x15
  23. NK K 6x20x30+S
  24. N-K
  26. Toluene
  27. Benzene
  28. Ortoxylene, paraxylene
  29. Paraffins

Francture Brands Private Limited will expand the business with its partners by offering a supply of various oil-and petrochemical products as well as fertilizers from Russia.

Press Release: